Tag Archives: resolutions

A good year past, but the next had better be better.

If there’s this one inevitable thing about New Year’s, it’s the urge to contemplate. Usually about one’s past year, and sometimes much longer back. It’s also that time when it’s acceptable to make promises to yourself that won’t last a week.

My 2012 was a big year. I graduated, for one. I’m an architect! I’ll never get tired of saying that. 😉 I learnt to live alone, away from friends and family. It was a year of so many firsts. My first business card, first flight, first international trip, first project, first missed deadline of this scale and the associated heartache, the first time my signature was required on a running bill of several lakh rupees. Felt so good to sign under ‘checked and certified’!

Despite having made several critical, life altering decisions I still cannot justify, my biggest regret about this year is about missing the Guns N’ Roses concert cos I was too immersed in work to realise it happened. People who know how much I worry on a daily basis will see this as a truly positive change: My biggest regret was missing a concert.

Two years back, I woke up from the comfort of college, and started planning the rest of my career. Yet, I’ve done none of what I’ve planned, and regret none of what I’ve actually done. I continue to plan, cos it’s kinda uncomfortable to not have a plan, (and plan B, and C,) but this year has truly taught me that “life is what happens when you’re busy planning your future” (Lennon, wasn’t it?) So this year, I’m going to rename this planning business. It shall henceforth be called “being aware of my options.” 

Now, resolutions for the next year. No matter how pointless, it’s tradition!

  • To eat less and maybe healthier.I don’t know what it is about Bangalore that makes me feel fat all the time! Well, I do know what. It’s the great (and rich!) food that ambushes one at every street corner. My fear of becoming fatTER is apparently abnormal. I do know a few obese people, and they seem to get on with life as though everything’s just fine. How?! It’s scary. I know that’s a little rude, but obesity is easier to deal with from a distance, admit it.
  • To write more. Duh, that’s an obvious one.
  • To take classes in singing and illustrations. No connection, just two random interests of mine. They’re way overdue.
  • Several more things I cannot publish cos friends and family (and possibly bosses) read this. This is why I should have shifted to an anonymous blog. Ok, I resolve to somehow continue to blog honestly, or find ways to conceal references, and not stifle half my posts as drafts.
  • To speak to all my friends on Facebook. One ‘friend’ per day, I might actually get ’em all. In the process, to unfriend all those people I don’t actually know.
  • To read the news everyday.
  • To learn Kannada.
  • To just be happier. Cos we only get one shot at life!